Sly 4 667 Опубликовано: 8 февраля, 2016 Интервью со многими важными шишками из SEGA, в том числе с Такашей Иидзукой.Много интересных признаний и откровений гарантировано.1) 4) 5)Первоисточник: Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
crystallize 838 Опубликовано: 9 февраля, 2016 Паста по теме xxx 21:21 xxx yyy 21:21 yyy So, a hint that Flynn might write for the next game ? xxx 21:22 xxx not sure looks like a spoof of Webber's BS the binary code means: hidden message! if he's in it will be for localisation zzz 21:28 zzz Better than Pontaff tho? xxx 21:28 xxx hell yeah even localised by a dog it would be better than Pontaff I doubt Flynn is writting that thing he genuinely looks happy to be ''noticed'' few months ago he was doing a campaign to write for the games and Webber dosen't know anything about the game xxx 21:46 xxx zzz 21:47 zzz is that day month year or month day year? i assume the latter xxx 21:47 xxx August 1rs zzz 21:48 zzz cue the sega response squad saying how it's all some kind of mixup. xxx 22:43 xxx aaa 22:43 aaa Whoa. yyy 22:44 yyy Sanic Ruiners is a failure. No big surprise aaa 22:47 aaa Seeing that image on the front page of Sonic Stadium on Facebook is strangely... satisfying. xxx 22:53 xxx yup bbb 22:54 bbb no surprise that puyo puyo hit so big. Puzzle is the hugest genre on mobile. Just wait for the "Sonic Bros" Iphone release. XD ccc 22:56 ccc ccc 22:56 ccc LMFAO I'm shocked actually. They admitted ANOTHER failure aaa 22:59 aaa Sheese! yyy 23:00 yyy HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Soooooo cathartic aaa 23:00 aaa *sheesh ccc 23:00 ccc Sonic is once again, the laughing stock of the industry And oh look at that! Youtubers 180'ing and saying I'm glad it failrd Dudes were just supporting it last month even with its horrid glitches aaa 23:01 aaa LOL 9 things designed by people who had no f**king clue what they were doing Avert thine eyes. aaa 23:02 aaa Just another lovely day in the wasteland paradise of the Sonic fandom. kiki emoticon +69 RADS/sec Damn it... didn't mean to post that link. Now to make that linked post semi-relevant: still better design than recent Sonic games? ccc 23:03 ccc I guess ccc 23:30 ccc It's funny we basically predict these failures and give reasons why it'll happen and they don't listen When the failure happens, they pretend they knew it was going to happen and brush off the piles of damage control they contributed. aaa 23:31 aaa Almost would want a video related to this. ccc 23:31 ccc ^ I might do one if I get the time But I have like zero atm ddd 23:44 ddd What concerns me is that Sonic Runners and Sonic Rise of Lyric are considered the biggest and most glaring failures......And they're the only Sonic games Not written by Pontaff.... I'm scared what will happen if Sega comes to that conclusion ccc 23:44 ccc Rise of Lyric wasn't done by Pontaff? And true, that is scary ddd 23:44 ddd God no. Rise of Lyric had a decent, if underwhelming story. ccc 23:45 ccc They did the handheld one tho right? ddd 23:45 ddd Yeah Potnaff did shattered Crystal which is why that game is just the cast standing around patting themselves on the back for being clever, while Rise of Lyric at least attempted to do cool things ccc 23:45 ccc THAT makes sense ROL had this different vibe ddd 23:46 ddd minus Shadow's lame appearence and the forced jokes clearly thrown in at the last second, Rise of Lyric's story is inoffensive ccc 23:46 ccc True It felt like it actually tried but still failed But let me show you guys this yyy 23:48 yyy Yeah, the guys who wrote RoL are John Melchior and Christina Cantamessa ccc 23:49 ccc yyy 23:52 yyy They learned shit. As usual Rafei is a broken disk, he's saying the EXACT things he said in the interviews before ROL's release ccc 23:53 ccc ^ yyy 23:53 yyy "Sonic is too fast, we want to make the character personalities to stand out more" He's a broken disk. You guys can check Heru's dissecting articles and he said the EXACT same bullshit ccc 23:54 ccc He's actually also repeating quotes from Frost They've learned nooooothing ddd 23:54 ddd Because when I think of "Character personalities standing out", I thnk of SOnic Boom. ccc 23:54 ccc Yeah you know yyy 23:54 yyy HAHAHAHA ccc 23:55 ccc Where the character act exactly how they're not suppose to yyy 23:55 yyy Also, the bullshit statement about "taking bits" from the Adventure games is back Nope.avi ddd 23:55 ddd "“If you stay the same, I believe you stagnate, and that’s a slow death.” – Rafei" Thank goodness you didn't fall for that trap and instead did something drastically diffrent, and that's a super fast death appearently. eee 23:56 eee ^HA goteem ddd 23:56 ddd Well, they did take elements of the Adventure games, let's be fair. That's the frustrating thing about Rise of Lyric, it's the game we should like. On a very distanced and broad level, it does everything we wanted it has all the right ingriedients it was just made by a chef who had no idea how to work those ingriedients into a good dish the soul and enery is missing energy xxx 23:57 xxx Not only that Boom denies the origins of Sonic which is the main reason of the rejection ccc 23:57 ccc ^ xxx 23:57 xxx it denies what the series is about they just created something else with Sonic in it ccc 23:58 ccc It also tried to act like it was going to be it's own thing. And then hugged onto the Sonic name at the last moment ddd 23:58 ddd I'm willing to give them a pass on that, it was designed from the ground up as a spin off side series. The thing that makes this a disaster is that they never had an ALTERNATIVE to the main Sonic's core and spirit. They took away Sonic's spirit but they had nothing in return which is why Sonci boom is so soulless and amiless now it has no identity, no point Just vague "paltforming" and "Character says somethign funny" yyy 23:59 yyy ^ xxx 0:00 xxx Imagine Batman not being about a boy who lost his parent in gotham City who seek for revenge but a guy who work in a farm in Texas and was bitten by a Bat. It would be insanely retarded You cannot do a reboot and ignore the origins. Nobody does that but retarded Sonic writers ddd 0:00 ddd and that sums up everything about Sonic. They remove "problems' they have, but they never fill the void. Oh, Knuckles history with the master emerald makes him difficult to write. BAM, take it out. Okay, fine, but then what? Make him a treasure hunter or something instead? Nope, now Knuckles is just aimless. ccc 0:01 ccc The fact having their entire company almost bodied didn't teach them anything is just terrifying ddd 0:01 ddd Amy is irritating as Sonic's girlfriend, take it out. Okay, fine, so what's her new personality, what should she do instead? Nothing. They just take out huge chunks of the lore, characetristics and logic, but they never replace it with anything substatial they just leave a big giant gaping hole of nothingness xxx 0:01 xxx everytime Batman got a reboot they just worked with the origin no matter what. They just don't start to improvise shit. Boom people just started to build an entirely different world with cristals and shit like that ccc 0:02 ccc With already established characters xxx 0:02 xxx you cannot deny the chaos emeralds in Sonic; it's the fucking basis of their world ddd 0:03 ddd You're giving Sonic boom way too much credit xxx, you're implying they would have given Batman a weird oriigin. They don't even do that. SOnic Boom's "Batman reboot" would just be that Batman's already Batman, except being bored by it. Sigh, so boring to be a super hero again and fight the joker again. ddd 0:03 ddd That would be the "origin" Who is he, who is the joker? why, what? Doesn't matter,w hat matters is, he's bored and now he just stands there being bored. The end. aaa 0:04 aaa I feel Boom still requires you to have knowledge beforehand of the characters. It doesn't really delve into the why and how of things. xxx 0:04 xxx and nobody wants to know that shit they want Sonic not ''new world with familiar characters: the game'' ccc 0:05 ccc And it's not like Batman where we need the origin to be hyped Even with no origin and assumption it can be entertaining Can't even do that ddd 0:06 ddd I agree with you xxx, I agree, nobody wanted the spin off, they wanted Sonic fixed. But the sad truth is, Sonic boom is even WORSE then what we didn't want. It's even WORSE then just an unrelated spin off. Even as borign unrelated spin off we didn't want, it fails. it's such a spectacular level of fail it's fail inception. It fails at being a proper failure. xxx 0:06 xxx lol ccc 0:07 ccc How on earth do you have the concept of Sonic, and turn him into the most boring character xxx 0:07 xxx even 06 did a better job since there's a level of continuity with previous elements ccc 0:07 ccc ^ ddd 0:07 ddd Jup "How on earth do you have the concept of Sonic, and turn him into the most boring character" By making him relatable to Sonic fans. ccc 0:08 ccc Bingo xxx 0:08 xxx it's a brand new place but still related to the world they created ddd 0:08 ddd and the only thing thsoe nerds can relate to is Nostalgia critic detached assholes ccc 0:08 ccc That's the problem overall ddd 0:08 ddd But xxx, what if the origiinal concept we THOUGHT Sonic boom was like was true? Remember the original trailer that it looked like Sonic and friends just fell into a hole and ended up in a new world? Kinda like what Sonic X did would youl ike that? then it'd be comparable with Sonic and the black knight ccc 0:09 ccc Too much appeal to a bunch of manchild nerds xxx 0:09 xxx cheap but more legit ddd 0:09 ddd and we didn't like Sonic black knight's concept either. ccc 0:09 ccc The irony is ddd 0:09 ddd when we were spoiled and tought Sonic Colors was just a one time misstep ccc 0:09 ccc Question How many of us were pulled in through games not Sonic 1? xxx 0:10 xxx even if there's an explanation of why Sonic is removed from his world it wouldn't make it less obnoxious in long term ddd 0:10 ddd True, it would create a sense of foudnation that sonci boom is terribly missing. what do you mean with "games not Sonic 1" ccc 0:11 ccc What I mean is, we were all pulled into the world from Day 1 we didn't need any origin ddd 0:11 ddd I mean fuck, that "you are popular character of canon" is litteraly the only foudnation the Shadow character ever get's in what he's supposed to be just sums up the whole sonic boom problem Well, it's not about Origin, it's just a foundation like, Sonic adventure 1 is also a "origin" story, as in, it lays the foudnation of the world we see all main characters in their default daily activities we see them all get motivated and start an adventure ccc 0:12 ccc And it looks appealing ddd 0:12 ddd so by the end, we know how their wrld works, their personalities and why they do the things they do ccc 0:12 ccc Kinda like that ambassador idea ddd 0:12 ddd so that works perfectly fine as an 'establishing" story. without litteral origins sonic boom needed somethingl ike that instead it just starts right in the middle and never shows us who the characters are and why they just bounce from plotpoint to plotpoint Even teh damn tv show never creates any sense of foundation, noone is ever motivated things just happen because joke. ccc 0:13 ccc The TV Show doesn't even really have any idea on what it does It's braindead People praise it for this as "just causal fun" ddd 0:14 ddd problem with the tv show is what Freiberger said, it encourages the writers to focus on their personal jokes and make those as funny as possible. The characters and setting only exists to be molded and shoved into uncomfortable positions as long as the individual jokes are funny. So any writer can just walk in and go "I want to make a parody cartoon about a farting compeition" and that's it, all characters and situations will be shuffled and shoved into place to make that happen regardless if it works logically with the characters or setting or anything That's why no character has a clear personality or the show doesn't seem to have a sense of lore, history or foudnation. Everything is just meanignless building blocks for personal pet peeves of the writers. Just turn Eggman into a artsy movie director and Amy in a crazy parody of a movie agent. Don't worry about that being natural for teh characters or even bothering to establish why anyone's doing that just make sure your hilarious 'movie agents are annoying" joke is as funny as possible ccc 0:19 ccc Yes ddd 0:20 ddd just found an interview from the guys who made Mario and Luigi saga Paper jam. Ah, I'm in a "rantign at idiots" mood anyway, let's look at this disaster. "On the Paper Mario: Sticker Star influence in Paper Jam… AlphaDream: While we referenced all of the Paper Mario series games during production of this title, the title we were influenced by the most was definitely Paper Mario: Sticker Star. " ARGHHH (Headbang) ccc 0:21 ccc ....... WHY bbb 0:22 bbb You know why? ccc 0:22 ccc That literally explains everything bbb 0:22 bbb sticker star is fucking miyamoto's game ddd 0:22 ddd Because it was the newest, apearently, but godamn, talk about setting your sights low. aaa 0:22 aaa That's Nintendo these days. bbb 0:22 bbb they were probably forced to imitate miyamoto. aaa 0:23 aaa "We must release Mario Maker, but first, kill all the ROM hack videos on YouTube! Prease understand. Wha-hoo." ccc 0:23 ccc Smh, so now we have confirmation Miyamoto has both RPGs by the balls bbb 0:23 bbb dream team is the last good one ccc 0:24 ccc The Mario & Luigi series was perfectly OK as far as I saw Paper Mario took a slight tumble with Super but basically collapsed thanks to Miyamoto's Sticker Star aaa 0:25 aaa Thousand Year Door remains my favorite of the series. ddd 0:25 ddd Man, mario sunshine, smash melee thousand year doorgamecube was the last good time for mario guess the gamecube's failure burnt the ambition out of mario aaa 0:26 aaa Oh, look! A game company who's best games are from several years ago! Sound familiar? ccc 0:26 ccc Basically after GameCube, ambition died in Mario ddd 0:27 ddd only mario and luigi saga and mario kart kept it up. ccc 0:27 ccc It started with New Super Mario Bros and it hitting the high as hell numbers it got ddd 0:27 ddd yeah, so we can't argue bland and lame just sells with Nintendo ccc 0:27 ccc 2D Mario still sells more than 3D And I don't understand why aaa 0:28 aaa Kind of makes me think of some parts of the Sonic fanbase. Got a lot of Nintendo fans desperately trying to defend everything. ccc 0:28 ccc I don't see it as bad as Sonic in my opinion still ddd 0:28 ddd Well, 2d mario was desperately missing when new super mario bros came out, heck, any mario platformer was MIA for a long time Also, new super mario bros is also genius at being a party game you can play it with 2 people at the same time ccc 0:28 ccc *4 ddd 0:28 ddd and I notice the Nintendo is super popular as party game system I rarely play Nintendo games on my own, but when I got friends over, it's the best choice usually ccc 0:30 ccc Co-op was always strongest with Nintendo Locally at least ddd 0:31 ddd Locally, yes online gmaing is a whole other beast ccc 0:32 ccc Single-player experiences also low and behold literally died on GameCube Wii was basically alllll Co-op Minus a few ddd 0:33 ddd yeah, that was their concept, the living room experience. aaa 0:33 aaa Parents totally play games with their kids all the time, right? Nope. ddd 0:33 ddd heh yeah, the living room experiencei s dying as I said, I only play nintendo when I got friends over, and most of my friends live on the other side of the country, so that only happens once every 3 months or so ccc 0:34 ccc The Wii being a success is what completely grew their denial like Miyamoto"s ddd 0:35 ddd they had no idea the Wii was a succes with a diffrent kind of audience that need a diffrent approach. ccc 0:35 ccc ^ ddd 0:35 ddd that's why the hardcore gamers were pissed off to begin with. ccc 0:35 ccc They thought it literally won everyone ddd 0:35 ddd reminds me of Sega same problem they think that everytime they score a 1000 new fans, that increases the overal buyers count ccc 0:35 ccc So confident they didn't think two seconds to make their next system a successor ddd 0:36 ddd instead of just creating endless isolated islands fans *isntead of creating endless little isolated islands of fans xxx 0:39 xxx I don't think the situation was that bad it's just the internet that made it look that way ccc 0:40 ccc Which one zzz 0:40 zzz found this from that article somebody linked: Sonic the Hedgehog’s long, great, rocky history Issue Sonic theHedgehog’slong, great, rockyhistory by Blake Hester Sonic the Hedgehog was the first video game character featured as a balloon in... xxx 0:41 xxx Fans liked the classics and Adventure games they blamed Sonic for lacking of polishing which is a valid feedback the manbrat were a minority; most people were fine with the overall package zzz 0:42 zzz I find christian whiteheads comments interesting. xxx 0:44 xxx Christian Whitehead, hired by Sega to remaster the first two Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis titles for mobile by rewriting the game’s source code using his "Retro Engine," believes that the character’s leap to 3-D had more of a detrimental effect on the series in the long run. yyy 0:45 yyy "I think it’s a pretty tough ask to expect Sonic to be as big as games like [Grand Theft Auto] today," Sadly, he is right here xxx 0:45 xxx Christian Whitehead is a faggot; nobody cares about his code yyy 0:45 yyy "but with the right mindset behind it, Sonic has the chops to be as great as any high-quality platformer Nintendo is currently putting out." ^And this part shows it xxx 0:46 xxx Why they always compare to the biggest loser of this generation?! comparing to Nintendo is like comparing to shit! eee 0:46 eee who else do you compare to? xxx 0:46 xxx Sony? eee 0:46 eee no one else makes platformeres besides them aaa 0:46 aaa Bubsy, of course! XD eee 0:46 eee LOL xxx 0:46 xxx Microsoft? ccc 0:46 ccc Because Sonic is no better than Nintendo xxx 0:46 xxx they do plateformer that sell at least eee 0:47 eee Microsoft makes Halo ccc 0:47 ccc And people have assumed that mindset eee 0:47 eee not platformers tf? lol xxx 0:47 xxx Tomb Raider Uncharted they sell great way better than goddamn mario these days ccc 0:47 ccc Lolno eee 0:47 eee HAHAHAHAHAHA ccc 0:47 ccc They have dramatic reshapes compared to Mario yyy 0:48 yyy Ratchet is a platformer And he was declining ccc 0:48 ccc You ain't convincing Uncharted and Tomb Raider is Mario done right. eee 0:48 eee Tomb Raider and Sonic have absolutely nothing in common besides traveling on flat surfaces they sold for comepltetly different reasons thts not fair to compare xxx 0:48 xxx Tomb raider works because it feels like a goddamn adventure So is Uncharted that's exactly the reasons we always push to make Sonic work again eee 0:49 eee No it sells because it is a visual movie that is mature and realistic, like any other game of the last 2 gens wait unless you want Sonic to be hyper real like that? xxx 0:51 xxx your thinking is shallow They work because the narrative is strong The nature of the content is attracting people who isn't into Sonic in the first place but that ain,t the point The point is if they want their goddamn fans back they should try to polish their sense of adventure instead of always finiding inspiration in the biggest loser of this generation xxx 0:51 xxx look at the winners and get inspiration from them yyy 0:52 yyy I'm reading the part about Christian Whitehead more thoroughly. Christ, this guy is THE Nostalgiatard embodiment eee 0:52 eee I thought a new audience was the whole point of this movement..... xxx 0:53 xxx no the whole point is to stop the bleeding the new gen will come naturally when they will start to make cool shit again it's not like we are strange aliens; those who are willing to play with something like Sonic will join when Sonic will stop looking lame but jeez! Compare with the winners! not stupid losers like Nintendo! That's part of the True Sonic Spirit too The associations they used to do were with winners Mickeal jackson Right Said fred (when they were popular) they weren't saying: oh but he's a blue hedgehog, it's not in his league! xxx 1:09 xxx Whitehead is a retard confirmed yyy 1:11 yyy That's what I just said lol xxx 1:11 xxx Following a critical low point for the franchise, mainline Sonic titles saw a return to a familiar formula. Games like Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and Episode 2, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations and Sonic Lost World had a shift toward speed and (in some cases) side scrolling, as well as some featuring more "classic" designs of Sonic. Released between 2010 and 2013, these games were met with mixed to positive reviews from critics — a slight upswing for the series after two poorly-rated titles. xxx 1:11 xxx HAHAHHA nobody seems to realise that Sega decided to give a try to boom because the sales were declining since Sonic Colors I like how they constantly pretend that they did this out of nowhere just because they felt like it xxx 1:14 xxx "If you stay the same, I believe you stagnate, and that's a slow death," Rafei says. He calls Sega "brave" and explains that he admires its willingness to change and evolve its "grandfather character," something we may not see from a company like Nintendo, who has "stayed true to the Italian plumber formula." xxx 1:14 xxx hahahahahha how about no? Mario isn,t the way I remember it anymore ccc 1:15 ccc Era, Mario is no different than he was back then tbh xxx 1:16 xxx no it is ccc 1:16 ccc Dead serious, yeah his games clearly declined but you're not convincing me people thought Super Mario World was edgy. xxx 1:16 xxx Mario was everything his creator hates now ccc 1:16 ccc His creator is an old man who hasn't grown up with modern times xxx 1:16 xxx Mario was the pioneer of the sense of adventure and continuity ccc 1:17 ccc Continuity? Mario? HAHAHAHAHAHA xxx 1:17 xxx Mario is remembered for this Mario was the first game that offered a sense of continuity just look for example at the end of World 1-1 and the begging of world 1-2 it's the same area it was the first time people were seeing something like this back then a continuity < ccc 1:19 ccc Honestly I'd more so see that for Donkey Kong than Mario Donkey Kong was more of a rival to Sonic than Mario The Mario vs Sonic rivalry was some pr stunt On another note really quick xxx 1:22 xxx Email: Continuity I think the key word in your immersion rant is Continuity. That right there is probably the biggest thing Nintendo has been lacking. Since Super Mario World, the games basically just hit the reset ... xxx 1:22 xxx here xxx 1:22 xxx Email: Funny at Nintendo in mall demo station In this video of one of their tours, I checked out Nintendo's little mini E3 set ups at a mall. What I really noticed was a 3ds demo station for Zelda Triforce heroes being unplayed. They really sh... xxx 1:22 xxx here ccc 1:22 ccc ccc 1:22 ccc And I'll read those later xxx 1:24 xxx bullshit everyone admit it has changed after 2010 2008 for the most picky one back to Mario: xxx 1:25 xxx What Nintendo forgets is that Super Mario Brothers (the classic ones) and Zelda (pre-Aonuma) all were ADVENTURE games. Do you know what adventure games are, reader? They were about IMMERSION. Nintendo has no fucking clue why Super Mario Brothers became popular. Nearly 30 years, and they still have no clue! They keep thinking of the gameplay, a mechanic, or something else. It was the immersion, stupids. Super Mario Brothers, when looking at it in its context of time, was the MOST IMMERSIVE GAME EVER MADE. You cry bullshit, reader? Go play the games of 1985 of both console and PC. You will discover that most games had a black background, didn’t scroll, and had no background music. Super Mario Brothers had the BLUE SKY, scrolled, and went over land, underwater, underground, into the sky, and in castles! In fact, 1-2 starts right where 1-1 ends. Did you know that? I bet you forgot you filthy little reader (go take a shower already!). When you get to 2-1, gasp, you see the castle of 1-4 in the background. You have…. wait for it…. continuity! Immersion! Egads! xxx 1:27 xxx last time Mario had immersion was with the first Mario Galaxy after that it became a dull level design experience ccc 1:29 ccc That I agree with xxx 1:35 xxx the 2D-3D transition is also clashing with the origins that's why Mario lost to spiritual successors like Crash When they changed the focus on action for scavenger hunt ccc 1:37 ccc Lol OK that doesn't make sense Crash died entirely xxx 1:37 xxx back then it bcame more popular than Mario back to the PSX vs N64 ccc 1:38 ccc Because Playstation was more popular than Nintendo xxx 1:38 xxx many kids were turned off by Mario and went on PSX ccc 1:38 ccc Mario to be honest is just a faceman. He'd be dead by now if he wasn't the mascot of the whole company Actually, Let's look at sales for a moment xxx 1:39 xxx People still recognise Mario but it's not because of the recent games It's because of Donkey Kong, Mario 1 and 3 after the NES Nintendo became a company of losers Nintendo kept losing over and over to other companies Snes Vs Genesis N64 Vs N64 PSx lol ccc 1:40 ccc Yep my case is right in this case Mario 64 sold 11 million Crash 1 sold 6 million xxx 1:41 xxx Gamecube lost big time because of that retarded move with Wind Waker they just ruined their reputation ccc 1:41 ccc Crash was not the reason Playstation started beating Nintendo xxx 1:41 xxx Mario was sold with the console ccc 1:42 ccc Yeah but that doesn't cover up the fact Crash was around launch Mario 64 was a launch title as well Same playing grpund *ground Hell even if it was bundled with N64, by that logic, Crash still should have bodied Mario My argument isn't that Mario was more appealing, my argument is, he's still around and the way he is because he's a poster boy. Back then he was liked for adventure because it was all that was considered adventure. xxx 1:45 xxx My point is when a game is attached to a console you have to consider that a number of these said sales didn,t happen because of Mario just like Sonic ccc 1:45 ccc Yes But it was clearly not a small number xxx 1:46 xxx Crash was a healthy brand that got 2 sequels really quickly zzz 1:46 zzz and then died ccc 1:46 ccc Because it was expandable, just like Mario at the time xxx 1:46 xxx I remember many peeps selling the 64 because it was BS and went to the PSX after that the videostore was full of N64 switching to scavenger hunting for all their franchise hurt Nintendo ccc 1:47 ccc Hell, to argue that, I can pull non-launch Mario games that killed both those numbers. And you could argue because of the Wii but the Wii U Marios also hit these numbers. My point is again, because he's a poster boy, not because of content xxx 1:49 xxx The wii was a console that was fullfiling something that was lacking back then. It was the return of the sport approach notice how the numbers of Mario declined since then ccc 1:49 ccc They did but with the console. Because he lives with the brand in a sense xxx 1:50 xxx the funny shit with Nintendo is they finally won a gen since the Nes and it was the perfect time to show that Mario was still alive but they wasted it with BS level design experiences NSMBW had a WARM welcome 33 milion jeez ccc 1:51 ccc And actually the Wii Era was where most of this decline started. And they still outsold the Wii U Era games. Actually waot... Might have worded that one wrong xxx 1:52 xxx the decline started in 2008 minus the Mario wave ccc 1:52 ccc Yeah but I see it being in content than in sales The sales never went down xxx 1:52 xxx wait yes huge decline new super Mario bros is a dead series already same for 3D Mario ccc 1:53 ccc The sales actually upscaled and surpassed even SMW xxx 1:53 xxx Mario Maker sold like shit too nah you don,t get it the market has grown since SMW ccc 1:54 ccc Yeah the Wii U Era games sold like crap so that's expected and you could argue it was due to content And exactly! If the series had been declining since SMW, the sales would be going down too But they never did xxx 1:56 xxx ccc 1:58 ccc The main thing is Mario is not a normal 3rd party brand like Sonic to where we can CLEARLY see the decline In sales and audience at least Content-wise, it's clear as day but is it the content that decreased sales or... etc. That's my main point xxx 2:04 xxx the least sold games had the most lame content ccc 2:07 ccc Bad news about that.... Sticker Star outsold Thousand Year Door Let that sink in This is one of those cases, I hate to be right Anyway, I think I'm done here .............................................................. ddd 3:20 ddd So I hear Runners was considered a failure? yyy 3:21 yyy Yes lol ddd 3:22 ddd Typical. Another failure Sega will never learn. Yet again we were right zzz 3:35 zzz also im seeing some images of what might be the newly refreshened Fire and Ice. whats up with that? also, the Polygon article is gold "Takashi Iizuka, the current head of Sonic Team and also the director on Sonic Adventure, says Sonic’s transition into 3-D has been the character’s “largest and most important” evolution over the years" And yet wants to cram the character into 2 dimensional bollocks that one half of the fanbase never wanted and the other half regrets ever asking for. xxx 4:06 xxx Sega: Sonic Runners is a Failure | The Sonic Stadium Now, in the past, I have been quite vocal regarding my stance on a certain ‘free’ to play mobile game staring Sonic, however, one thing which was hard to deny, is that Sonic Runners was being downloaded, it was being played and people were spending a lot of money on it. xxx 4:06 xxx LOL suddenly the sales are important to them oh lol these clowns on TSS ccc 4:11 ccc Lmao fff 4:11 fff Lmao After all that shit they gave us, now they realize the sales matter Once again, we were right. I'd actually make a post about that ccc 4:12 ccc LOL it's hilarious right? Can't celebrate tho cause we know it's basically a repeated cycle yyy 4:12 yyy Yes, please fff grin emoticon ccc 4:13 ccc What's even funnier is people like TC who damage controlled Runner 180d today Once AGAIN, the people realize their fanboynism was foolish but still think they know everything Even tho, we were saying this from Day UNO xxx 5:47 xxx Next is boom dash yyy 5:48 yyy Hopefully Not even adding that shitty Boom Shadow will help boosting it up ccc 5:49 ccc Lol Forgot that even existed ddd 5:52 ddd Wow, Boom Dash 2 wasn't even on that list. what does that mean? Not by Sega, or sold so shitty it didn't even qualify as "failure" Holy shit, talk about that "Failure to be a failure" thing I said before. yyy 5:53 yyy LOL It all connects 1 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Депрессивный Ёжик 168 Опубликовано: 12 февраля, 2016 Что это было и зачем я это прочитал? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Spееdy 1 252 Опубликовано: 12 февраля, 2016 (изменено) Снова GE Animation радуют нас новой плюшевой игрушкой! На этот раз это Метал Соник! 8 дюймов, т.е. 20 см в высоту. Цена неизвестна пока, но готовьте кошельки заранее, так как скоро поступит в продажу.) Изменено 12 февраля, 2016 пользователем Spееdy 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Ilsor 66 Опубликовано: 12 февраля, 2016 (изменено) Первоисточник: http://www.polygon.c...t-rocky-history И ни слова про портативные игры до Бума. :/ Изменено 12 февраля, 2016 пользователем Ilsor Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Spееdy 1 252 Опубликовано: 15 февраля, 2016 (изменено) SEGA of Japan объявила о старте продаж билетов на концерт "Sonic Adventure Music Experience (SAME)" в Токио, концертный зал Future Seven. Мероприятие пройдёт 2 апреля. Изменено 15 февраля, 2016 пользователем Spееdy Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Vermilion 1 261 Опубликовано: 15 февраля, 2016 ↑ Хочу туда!!! *_* Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Spееdy 1 252 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 (изменено) В общем, ребята. Собираемся снова. Тут прошла информация от Sonic Retro, что на этой неделе будет совершен какой-то большой анонс касаемо Соника. Об этом доложили 2 пользователя сайта Sonic Retro, GeneHF и TimmiT, ссылаясь на скрытый источник, и это не Аарон Веббер. От себя скажу, ребятам можно доверять, знают что говорят. Но советую сильно кипиш по этому поводу не поднимать, а терпеливо подождать, может ничего не будет. Информация не совсем стабильная и я сам что-то сомневаюсь. Рассчитывайте на четверг, обычно в этот день недели SEGA делает анонсы. А тем временем на Западе уже обсуждают SA3... I can confirm via an insider source that isn't Ruby that a big announcement is dropping this week.Seriously. UPD: Выяснилось, что анонс состоится завтра, но блин... на главной странице Sonic Retro?! Серьёзно? Это вообще точно большой анонс? Потому что теперь я очень сильно сомневаюсь. Кстати, не сказал. По словам GeneHF, этот анонс не каждому понравится... И нет, это не SA3, как думали некоторые. Изменено 16 февраля, 2016 пользователем Spееdy Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
7 Chaos Emeralds 813 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 (изменено) Два вопроса. 1). Точно ли речь про анонс игры? 2). Официальный ли это анонс или что-нибудь фанатское? А то большой анонс не на официальном сайте вызывает закономерные подозрения. Изменено 16 февраля, 2016 пользователем 7 Chaos Emeralds Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
RTF 218 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 (изменено) Этот анонс — шутка от GeneHF, который теперь работает в SEGA. Можете ждать и надеяться дальше. Изменено 16 февраля, 2016 пользователем RTF Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Тёма 1 611 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 По словам GeneHF, этот анонс не каждому понравится Очередной СЛиВ на мобилочки небось. 2 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Spееdy 1 252 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 Этот анонс — шутка от GeneHF, который теперь работает в SEGA. Можете ждать и надеяться дальше. Мда. Зачем было поднимать сониковское комьюнити до такого хайпа... За шкафом поди. Отбой, значит. Кстати, можно перенести посты в эту тему, так как выяснили, что к игре не относится уже. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Zenon 1 778 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 (изменено) Мда. Зачем было поднимать сониковское комьюнити до такого хайпа... За шкафом поди. Отбой, значит. Кстати, можно перенести посты в эту тему, так как выяснили, что к игре не относится уже. А где подтверждение того, что это шутка, и что не относится к игре? Перечитала всю ту тему с первого поста, вроде как народ всё ещё ждёт анонс, а вообще этот анонс возможен исключительно из-за того, что Gene теперь работает в SEGA. Т.е. тут причинно-следственная связь налицо. Где там конкретно писали, что это всё шутка? --- UPD, а, всё, нашла. Изменено 16 февраля, 2016 пользователем Zenon Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
RTF 218 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 Очередной СЛиВ на мобилочки небось. Да, вот как раз анонсировали.Вот вы серьезно поверили в анонс игры? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Spееdy 1 252 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 Вот вы серьезно поверили в анонс игры? Много кто подумал, потому что фанаты уже настолько голодные на любую новость с игрой, что развести их вокруг пальца проще простого. Меня включая. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Lambdat0rTH 930 Опубликовано: 16 февраля, 2016 Вот на этом и играют всякие вебберы Не исключено даже, что Веббер просто разводит тралинг, чтобы фанаты хайповали из-за ничего Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Sly 4 667 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 Маленькая, но любопытная новость.Один зарубежный фанат поинтересовался у Такаши Иидзуки стоит ли в будущем ожидать официальный порт Sonic Unleashed на PC. И хотя Иидзука заявил, что он ничего не может об этом сказать, но в его ответе прозвучало «Может быть...» Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Клу 881 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 Маленькая, но любопытная новость. Один зарубежный фанат поинтересовался у Такаши Иидзуки стоит ли в будущем ожидать официальный порт Sonic Unleashed на PC. И хотя Иидзука заявил, что он ничего не может об этом сказать, но в его ответе прозвучало «Может быть...» Если портируют как СЛВ, то лучше не надо... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Zenon 1 778 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 Если портируют как СЛВ, то лучше не надо... Эмм... А что тебе в порте СЛВ-то не понравилось? Порт отлично работает. Мне-то, конечно, всё равно, Анла у нас и на Хбоксе есть, но игра неплохая, много кто смог бы заценить лично. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Клу 881 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 Эмм... А что тебе в порте СЛВ-то не понравилось? Порт отлично работает. Управление хуже чем на ВииЮ. -_- Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Lambdat0rTH 930 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 (изменено) Управление хуже чем на ВииЮ. -_-ты на вию-то знаешь управление, лол? Под клавиатуру не заточена игра, геймпад нужен, иначе играть - извращение А новость неинформативна, про СА3 он тоже говорил "может быть" Изменено 17 февраля, 2016 пользователем Lambdat0rTH 2 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Клу 881 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 ты на вию-то знаешь управление, лол? Под клавиатуру не заточена игра, геймпад нужен, иначе играть - извращение Игорал в гостях. Долгая история. Я извращенец и все время играю на клаве. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Zenon 1 778 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 На самом обычном геймпаде типа Хбоксового играется просто отлично же о_О Тут и Дженя будет вызывать зубодробительный эффект, если играть на клаве. По себе знаю. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Spееdy 1 252 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 Каким вообще боком Иидзука знает об этом... Конечно ответ "возможно", потому что он сам толком не знает. Всеми вопросами крутит SEGA, как там решат, так и будет, их же продукт. Тем более Sonic Team даже портированием заниматься наврядли будет, SEGA лишь попросят исходники и сами передадут дело в какой-нибудь SEGA of Europe, чтобы там уже этим занялись. У Sonic Team и так работы навалом, как у разработчика. Иидзука, а именно Sonic Team в общем, уже давно сделал этот проект (Sonic Unleashed) и свою работу выполнил и забыл. Может я и не прав и всё совсем по-другому, но моё мнение таково. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
RingShock 657 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 Если Анлишд и вправду портируют на ПК, то это будет просто замечательно. Самая нуждающаяся в порте Сониковская игра, как по мне. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
VirtualGod 21 Опубликовано: 17 февраля, 2016 Хотелось бы, чтобы Sonic Heroes и Sonic Riders выпустили в стиме. Портировать по сути, ничего не надо. Осталось прикрутить Full HD, звуковые и видео файлы лучшего качества, онлайн, и ачивки :) Ждем полную коллекцию в стиме. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
TimTH 1 217 Опубликовано: 18 февраля, 2016 (изменено) Соник, Тейлз и Hero Chao засветились в качестве камео в 6 серии нового аниме по Phantasy Star Online 2. Изменено 18 февраля, 2016 пользователем TimTH 3 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Vertigo 617 Опубликовано: 18 февраля, 2016 Там и Тейлза можно разглядеть) Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Vermilion 1 261 Опубликовано: 18 февраля, 2016 Ещё и hero-чао.) Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение
Spееdy 1 252 Опубликовано: 18 февраля, 2016 А ещё, если сложить всех Пуйо-Пуйо в игровом автомате, то получится 41.Зачем я это сказал. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение