LOVE is a wonderful
Thing though it's sad.
LOVE makes you happy
And goes to your head.
LOVE keeps you lively
When others are down.
LOVE keeps you smiling
No trace of a frown.
LOVE keeps you warm
On a cold winter's night.
LOVE makes you daydream
Make things seem alright.
LOVE seems for ever.
LOVE never ends.
Until those dreaded words
Let's still be friends.
Имя персонажа
Описание своего персонажа
Aye, now what yeh be wantin' to know about me for? Are yeh jest bored? It's not some grand tale, it isn't, so if yeh're expecting some epic yeh'd best go rattle yer bone-box at someone else, jig? (c) Annah (Planescape Torment)
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