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Что поменять в Сонике, чтобы его было легче принять // Making Sonic more appealing

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I made a topic about this in another forum, but I wanted to know what you guys thought of my suggestions and what suggestions you may have to make Sonic more appealing to us. For starters, the current writers need to get lost, but I'll need to post these videos to:


For environment and art style, take a few pointers from this(also has writing and atmosphere more suited for Sonic):

So yeah:
Deadpool: Music and action
TMNT: Mikey's comebat moves
PS Move Heroes: Writing and atmosphere


Your thoughts?

Изменено пользователем MastahTron

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So... to my mind, even Nihilistic Software (PS Move Heroes) would cope with the improvement of Sonic alone. SEGA Sonic Team sank so low that any of these companies made aforecited games would make Sonic's situation better.


Ну... мне кажется, даже та же Nihilistic Software (PS Move Heroes) в одиночку внесла бы улучшения в сониковскую среду. SEGA Sonic Team упал ниже плинтуса, так что любой из разработчиков вышеуказанных игр исправил бы ситуацию в Сонике.

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  В 7/3/2013 в 08:38, ZardimTJ сказал:

So... to my mind, even Nihilistic Software (PS Move Heroes) would cope with the improvement of Sonic alone. SEGA Sonic Team sank so low that any of these companies made aforecited games would make Sonic's situation better.


Ну... мне кажется, даже та же Nihilistic Software (PS Move Heroes) в одиночку внесла бы улучшения в сониковскую среду. SEGA Sonic Team упал ниже плинтуса, так что любой из разработчиков вышеуказанных игр исправил бы ситуацию в Сонике.

and I fully agree with you to, and PS move Heroes was is exclusive to a product of Sony trying to copy Nintendo but making a more cooler looking game, and being a crossover of their best 3 series. Of course, taking some pointers from Deadpool and Ninja Turtles couldn't hurt either, there's a lot of different games to look at to besides what thhye go for now. Then again, Sonic Team went through a lot of changes and most of Sega is a Japanese company now, and don't know what appeals to us at all.

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Зарчик, cope - слово, употребляющееся в смысле "справиться с *недугом/горем/чем-то еще негативным*". Щоб знал.


Sonic games need a good complex plot, something Sega can't comprehend at the point. They forget that the bulk of their fans are guys who've been growing up with Sonic, and not kids the games seem to be oriented to.

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You see, Nihilistic Software and Insomniac Games (Ratchet and Clank) are most suitable companies for Sonic (I think so). Another ones can make Sonic games TOO bloody, and it is not so good. A balance must be everywhere.

  В 7/3/2013 в 08:51, Kknewkles сказал:

Зарчик, cope - слово, употребляющееся в смысле "справиться с *недугом/горем/чем-то еще негативным*". Щоб знал.

Я знаю. Я потому и употребил его из-за не самого хорошего положения Соника (как недуг). Другое дело... может, оно не очень хорошо сочетается со словом "improvement".

Изменено пользователем ZardimTJ
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Sonic definitely needs to change. However I doubt that he needs to borrow things from any other gaming franchises. It didn't turn out well with Mario.

Изменено пользователем Spyro the dragon
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  В 7/3/2013 в 09:05, Spyro the dragon сказал:

Sonic definitely needs to change. However I doubt that he needs to borrow things from any other gaming franchises. It didn't turn out well with Mario.

Well that the mian thing here: It doesn't work well with Mario, but why that is because Sonic was meant to be somehting different from Mario, and him being an animals with attitude spawned many similar games around the times of the genesis, Sonic even had a clone in Sockit(Time Dominator), and if you look at it, characters like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon(your name made me think of him), Ratchet, and Sly are also in that catagory of animals with attutude, which Sonic himself started, so if anything, these games, and Sony in general really are better choices in making Sonic games with balance(as ZardimTJ), or taking notes from at least.

For another example, we saw this before if you remember the Battletoads, who were based on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Deadpool himself is Marvel Comic's parody of DC Comic's Deathstroke.

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I understand your point, but what I was trying to say is that Sonic doesn't need to be influenced from something, be it Mario, Final Fantasy, Ratchet and Clank or any other series. I believe that Sonic should find his own way in terms of style, atmosphere and gameplay, so he could offer something fresh and interesting, something that the other franchises lack.

The first decade of Sonic's history is something I'd like to bring up. From 1991 to 2001, Sonic was doing his own thing, having an original creative core, making something that no one had ever done before. Like you mentioned, it was all the way around then: Sonic didn't borrow from other games, but other games borrowed from Sonic. That meant Sonic had something unique to offer. That's what makes a strong appealing game.

SEGA just needs to realize this.

  • Лайк 4

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  В 7/3/2013 в 09:26, Spyro the dragon сказал:

I understand your point, but what I was trying to say is that Sonic doesn't need to be influenced from something, be it Mario, Final Fantasy, Ratchet and Clank or any other series. I believe that Sonic should find his own way in terms of style, atmosphere and gameplay, so he could offer something fresh and interesting, something that the other franchises lack.

The first decade of Sonic's history is something I'd like to bring up. From 1991 to 2001, Sonic was doing his own thing, having an original creative core, making something that no one had ever done before. Like you mentioned, it was all the way around then: Sonic didn't borrow from other games, but other games borrowed from Sonic. That meant Sonic had something unique to offer. That's what makes a strong appealing game.

SEGA just needs to realize this.

I get what you mean now, borrow form his own games, and yeah, that's a good option to and I would like nothing more but to see Sonic go back to how he was in the Adventure days. I bring up Sony mainly because Sega and most vocal fans wanna go off from Nintendo when Sony still carries on what Sonic started, plus, those vocal fans hating the Adventure games now, when they were great for their time, but they care too much about gameplay then appeal. I'm not saying the games are perfect and have no flaws, but all games do when you start analizing them to a serious degree.

However, it is worth noting how well SA2 is selling on digitla markets, making it to top 10 on btoh Xbox Live and Playstation Network.

Изменено пользователем MastahTron
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Может хоть кто то будет переводить все это, а? Среди нас много не знающих английский людей, а переводчик порой выдает очень странный и иногда забавный перевод. =)

Изменено пользователем Tim TH
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  В 7/3/2013 в 09:43, Tim TH сказал:

Может хоть кто то будет переводить все это, а? Среди нас много не знающих английский, а переводчик порой выдает очень странный и иногда забавный перевод. =)

The best I can do on my part is edit my post with the translations, but if they still come out funny, then yeah, we gonna need and expert here. :)


Лучшее, что я могу сделать с моей стороны это изменить свой пост с переводами, но если они до сих пор вышли смешно, то да, мы собираемся необходимость и эксперт здесь. :)

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  В 7/3/2013 в 09:37, MastahTron сказал:

I get what you mean now, borrow form his own games, and yeah, that's a good option to and I would like nothing more but to see Sonic go back to how he was in the Adventure days. I bring up Sony mainly because Sega and most vocal fans wanna go off from Nintendo when Sony still carries on what Sonic started, plus, those vocal fans hating the Adventure games now, when they were great for their time, but they care too much about gameplay then appeal. I'm not saying the games are perfect and have no flaws, but all games do when you start analizing them to a serious degree.

However, it is worth noting how well SA2 is selling on digitla markets, making it to top 10 on btoh Xbox Live and Playstation Network.

Yup, you're right here. Every game has flaws, but it's up to the new games to realize these flaws, leave them in the past, take all the good and successful things from previous games and make them better. That's the basic example of evolution. However what SEGA does now could be called a degradation...


And I'm a bit off-topic here, but I just wanted to mention that Sony aren't saints either. I played the original R&C trilogy on PS2 and then watched some letsplays of the Future trilogy. I was blown away by how the series evolved. The graphics, the gameplay, the character development, the plot... it was getting better and better with each new game. A Crack in Time is that kind of game which I'd describe with only one adjective: "EPIC". And then it all went downhill from here. The style became more goofy and cartoony rather than realistic, the plot simplified, the gameplay became less complex as well... yeah, kinda reminds of something, doesn't it?

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  В 7/3/2013 в 09:50, Spyro the dragon сказал:

Yup, you're right here. Every game has flaws, but it's up to the new games to realize these flaws, leave them in the past, take all the good and successful things from previous games and make them better. That's the basic example of evolution. However what SEGA does now could be called a degradation...


And I'm a bit off-topic here, but I just wanted to mention that Sony aren't saints either. I played the original R&C trilogy on PS2 and then watched some letsplays of the Future trilogy. I was blown away by how the series evolved. The graphics, the gameplay, the character development, the plot... it was getting better and better with each new game. A Crack in Time is that kind of game which I'd describe with only one adjective: "EPIC". And then it all went downhill from here. The style became more goofy and cartoony rather than realistic, the plot simplified, the gameplay became less complex as well... yeah, kinda reminds of something, doesn't it?

I can't tell you how many times I said to people that Sega should've just fixed those flaws from 06 and fixed them in a completely new title, but again, this is them going off fans saying how they need to go back to the roots, when not even being specific on what those roots are, and with Sonic Team being changed, they wouldn't even know anyway. It has been said that they don't even know what Sonic is about, which reflects with games like Colors and Lost World.


BTW, I know Sony ain't saints either, matter of fact, it was their lies about the PS2 that won them over Sega(of course, Sega already suffered thanks to it's japan branch), and I've actually got those 2 R&C games you're talking about: All 4 one and Full Frontal Assualt, and those games still look better then what we see in Sonic games today(I also own Size Matters and Deadlocked, and I plan on looking into the future games some day). But lets also look at Sly Cooper, who like Sonic, got loads of characters and even pulling off the amigo system from 06 in Sly 4, then Jak & Daxter who went dark right from the second game, but was actually praised for it, unlike Shadow, and both games introduced Guns and Vehicles.


Я не могу сказать вам, сколько раз я сказал людям, что Sega должен просто установил эти недостатки от 06 и фиксированной их в совершенно новое название, но опять же, это собирается покинуть болельщиков сказать как они должны вернуться к корням, когда даже не специфичны, каковы эти корни и с Sonic Team изменяемый, они даже не знаю, так или иначе. Было сказано, что они даже не знают, что Sonic это о, который отражает с играми, как цвета и Затерянный мир.

Кстати, я знаю, Sony не Святых, вопрос факта, было их ложь о PS2, который победил Sega (конечно, Sega уже страдал благодаря его японское отделение), и я действительно получил эти 2 R & C игры, вы говорите о: все 4 один и полный фронтальный Assualt и эти игры еще выглядел лучше, чем то, что мы видим в Sonic игр сегодня (я также собственные размер вопросы и Deadlockedи я планирую на смотрит в будущее игры когда-нибудь). Но давайте также рассмотрим Sly Купер, который, как Sonic, получил кучу символов и даже потянув системе amigo от 06 в хитрые 4, а затем Як & Daxter пошли темные прямо из второй игры, но на самом деле хвалят за него, в отличие от тени и обе игры представил оружие и транспортные средства.

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[bad english mode on] Currently Sonic is parody of Mario. If he borrows thing from any other franchise he becomes parody of this other franchise. That sucks, what's the point? [/bad english mode off]


Перевод по просьбам трудящихся: "Сейчас Соник представляет собой пародию на Марио. Если он будет заимствовать элементы любой другой франшизы, то он станет пародией на эту другую франшизу. Ну и какая разница?".

Изменено пользователем Konstructor Rexton

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  В 7/3/2013 в 14:31, Konstructor Rexton сказал:
If he borrows thing from any other franchise he becomes parody of this other franchise. That sucks, what's the point?

Anything can be called borrowed from somewhere else. What do you think about SA2 to be inspired by MGS1?


Любую вещь можно назвать позаимствованной. Что ты например думаешь о том, что СА2 был вдохновлён МГС1?

Изменено пользователем crystallize

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What I think? I think "to be inspired" and "borrow" are different things.


Что я думаю? Я думаю, что "вдохновляться" и "прямо заимствовать" - разные вещи.

Изменено пользователем Konstructor Rexton
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  В 7/3/2013 в 09:26, 'Spyro the dragon' сказал:

I believe that Sonic should find his own way in terms of style, atmosphere and gameplay, so he could offer something fresh and interesting, something that the other franchises lack.





The problem with Sonic is that he has no distinct game format. If you take any two games from the past ten years, you'll see that almost none of the games in any given pair are similiar. From SADX (or 3D Blast, even) to SLW, Sonic is in search of his ideal game format, throwing out old features and acquiring/stealing new ones, because apparently old format is not acceptable. And I kinda agree with it after seeing four identical New Super Mario Bros. games in a row and despising them for that.

Except for the first one, that one was justifiable. And fun.


In terms of gameplay, I think the Adventure formula can work exceptionally well, if the developers provide it with good level design. See SA2.

In terms of story, please, Sonic the Hedgehog, at least have some moral at the end. And a good one. Your last two games didn't have it at all.

Like Yahtzee praises Portal 1 for its full usage of potential, I praise Sonic Rush for having the best story of any Sonic game ever, because it did exactly what it wanted to. Black Knight is a close contender.

In terms of music, so far I don't see any problems, honestly. We'll never get another Chemical Plant, but getting Asteroid Coaster every now and again is okay with me. What can I say, I have low standards.

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No, just no. Just goddamn no. I refuse to consider any deadpool-ish "hey, I'm cool, I'm super cool guys!" look, any goofy stating the oblivous lines, and, well, just no. Sonic games need to have some mature themes, and because Sega's cooperating with Nintendo these days, this, most likely, aint gonna happen.


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  В 7/3/2013 в 17:25, Cooler777 сказал:

No, just no. Just goddamn no. I refuse to consider any deadpool-ish "hey, I'm cool, I'm super cool guys!" look, any goofy stating the oblivous lines, and, well, just no. Sonic games need to have some mature themes, and because Sega's cooperating with Nintendo these days, this, most likely, aint gonna happen.


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I actually said the writing should take after Playstation Heroes, and take music and explosive action from Deadpool.

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I think Sonic need a rebooting.

Я думаю Сонику нужна полная перезагрузка серии.

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  В 7/6/2013 в 05:55, Metal IV сказал:

I think Sonic need a rebooting.

Я думаю Сонику нужна полная перезагрузка серии.

I think what Sonic needs is consistency and careful scriptwriting.

А мне вот кажется, что Сонику сейчас последовательный и глубокий сценарий нужен куда больше очередной игры с нуля.

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