Freeze The Cat
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0 Нейтральная репутацияО Freeze The Cat
- День рождения 01.11.1996
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О себе
Littleroot Town\Moscow
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Ммм...-__- Я за Хани.По-моему,классная чарка и оригинальная *.* Но,поскольку её в голосовании нет, - голосую за Майти.Он тож прикольный)
У меня в Sonic Advance на ГБА Эми под водой в Ice Mountain сквозь стенку иногда проваливается Х) Но летальным исходом не кончается,нет.
Первое место у меня делят Тейлз и Хани,второе Блейз и Мина, а на третьем все остальные =)
Нелюблю Шедоу(наверное,я одна такая в мире) и Космо(приелась уже).
Хм.Скорее всего Космо(ой как не люблю я её) или я ^^* но я не оффперс так что Космо.
Мне Мина нравится.По-моему она больше Сонику подходит.Жаль,что про неё забыли.
В принципе,самая умная-Вейв,но голосую за Тейлза.У Роботника много роботов,но всех их Соник мочит за 1 удар,а изобретения Тейлза ещё не ломали. ^^*
Да,не работает.Скорее всего,сайт полетел или техпроблемы.Сорри
Не угадали!Это с Honey the cat's club'а на ДА а через Гугл я не умею пропускать сорри
ну незнаю...просто знакома...может из фанарта это взято,а может офф.инфа...да,ещё Майти-её парень..
дааа...читаем здесь про Bunnie Rabbot
Name – Honey (the Cat) Nickname – H (Hey’ch) Species – Feline/Cat (possibly Sand cat, (Felis margarita)) Age – 16 Date of Birth – September 3rd Residence – Seaside Hill Height – 105cm Weight – 32kg Alignment – Hero Likes – Strawberry cheesecake, ice cream, Chu chu’s and the night sky Dislikes – Carrots, Muzak and getting colds. Hobbies – Fashion design, martial arts, fighting games and eating deserts Skills – Fighting (Ninjutsu/Capoeira/Neko blended style) Family - Honey has one living reletive, Candy her sister who is a pink cat that wears a blue dress and has blond hair, she is 20 years old and kind of a rogue, she drops by to see her sister from time to time. Allies – Ray the Flying Squirrel, Mighty the Armadillo, Blaze the cat, Bean the Dynamite and Tiara Boobowski. Rivals – Fang the Sniper, Bark the Polarbear Enemies – Rocket Sonic Weakness(s) – Slow with Heavy Clothes, Hates Spiders (wont scream, just dosent like) Special Abilitys – Honey has one special ability she dubs her 'Nekomata' tecnique which gives her a power boost for a short while. it roughly doubles all her current attributes. there is one visible change and that is her tail splits in two. Some people have said that its a demonic ability because Honey seems unable to spawn her wings when she uses it. Honey has always been somewhat of an underground fighter, ever since the events 4 years ago on the Deathegg 2. Through pure determination and abit of luck she managed to secure a method of getting onto the deathegg via the means of a shuttle craft. Whilst trying to loacate Sonic on the vast space ship she ran into Rocket Sonic who was racing to aid Metal Sonic in his fight againsed our hedgehog friend. After a brutal battle Honey finally managed to overpower Rocket Sonic with the use of her special Nekomata fighting tecnique. (it is up for debate wether stopping Rocket Sonic from meeting up with Metal Sonic perhapse saved sonic from an ugly demise at the hand of two metal fiends) but after the events of that day and failing to actually find Sonic in the end, any glory for Honey was surely lost, Not that she minded too much because shes not to fond of the limelight that follows sonic around. Four years later and Honey has been getting on with her life, she has been training and raising her skills in both martial arts and fashion design. Honey likes to keep an eye on latest fashions and in her free time makes outfits ‘to order’ as another extra way to make abit of money, which she really enjoys doing, some designs sell for quite an amount. Due to abit of fate Honey got into the treasure hunting buisness, but not in the same stream as Knuckles out Rouge. She collects ancient relics from all over the world, aided by her friends Mighty and Ray, an they all decided on the name ‘Team Relic’ for there buisness. They are also backed by Blaze the cat (not the one from Sonic Rush but this dimentions counterpart) who handles all the mechanical needs they have. Bean the Dynamite provides any equipment they may need but always trys to slip in some sort of weapon for there mission. And Tiara Boobowski handles all the artifacts and relics that they retrieve and makes sure they find a proper place in a museum, she is also like there benifactor as she, her father and the museums pays to recive the items that Team Relic find. Unfortunatly there job would be a lot easyer, if not for Fang and Bark who are also relic hunters who go by the name ‘Sythe’ are hot on Team Relics heals, the only real difference between the two teams is that Sythe don’t really care who gets the artifacts aslong as they get paid on delivery. This annoys Honey alot, because she thinks they should all join up, but Fang and Bark are reluctant to accept her offer. They often clash on missions but even tho they are rivals you can often see Fang and Honey have respect for eachothers abilitys. Honeys Official home is in Seaside Hill, but since so much time is spent searching for relics, she spends most of her time in accomadations in the Team Relic HQ which is based in Station Square. She has a pet Chu chu (Chu Chu Rocket) called ‘Chu’ of all things whom she adores, all of the team have taken of care of him at some point and he’s practally a team mascot. In the end Honey is a very cheerful cat who likes to see the brighter side of life, she is content with what she dose, and happy with the friends she works with. She enjoys the excitement of relic hunting but is always happy to get home and have a well deserved catnap. END. ну как? :)
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