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Все публикации пользователя SkyLlama

  1. 0_o
    1. SkyLlama


      Forced to play on Osu by a friend. I don't know what this is, but it's meme worthy.

  2. Some new videos of the game. The first is just a silly video The second however is some gameplay and what to expect: Very excited ^_^
  3. I'm very excited for this new R&C game. I love platformers and this is a series that has *almost* never disapointed me, but what I wonder about is why it's on the PS3. It does make sense, but on the other hand an R&C game as a PS4 launch title (or shortly after) would have been good (I'm not complaining, mearly curious). Then again, ending the Future series of games on the PS3 seems fitting. Here's a video showing some gameplay. The style for Ratchet looks a lot like what we've become used to, which is nice along with some cool new stuff. Clank's style of gameplay is a bit different (2D), but I'm very interested to see how it works.
  4. Didn't see this posted so I thought I'd share. SLW shown running at 60FPS (unlike most videos). Very smooth if nothing else. http://www.gamersyde.com/stream_sonic_lost_world_gc_gameplay-30604_en.html
  5. You guys don't need to worry, MS is not letting you have it until 2014 now. http://news.xbox.com/2013/08/xbox-one-confirmed-markets At this point I think it would make sense for them to do so. If it's really as expensive as they claim it could shave a good amount off the console and make it more competitive aganst the PS4. It's almost a gurrantee within the first year or two a new, cheaper, Kinectless SKU will come out. EDIT: Ninja'd
  6. They showed some new stuff at Sonic Boom in the US if anyone's interested. New longer and English version of the Japaneese trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdMbX2MKZ0g Some more gameplay. Shows a level I don't think they've showed before: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZpAVXKJ2r4
  7. I'm contstintly frustrated by the casino themed levels in Sonic Heroes. I love the game and the design of the levels, but the controls are abysmil for those few in particular. I avoid the Bingo Highway and Casino Park as much as I can because I have so many issues with them. Seriously I've never failed so bad at any other Sonic level.
  8. Wow, I really like the background on the big screen in this photo. It looks really nice. This is the Start thing on my computer for Win8.1. Nothing amazing. This is my desktop background. I hope no one takes offence, it's just part of a good joke from /r/polandball
  9. Some video game music makes me feel nostalgic like the level 1-1 SMB music and of course a lot of the Sonic music. Also the themes to alot of cartoons like Inspector Gadget, most of the Bugs Bunny and related cartoons, The Racoons and a few other older shows. Very little music I'd have heard on the radio when I was younger does though, with two notible exceptions: Steal My Sunshine by Len (not even a good song, but it was on the radio so much when new :p ) and The Way by Fastball (also on the radio a ton back then)
  10. Youtube.com mostly, but also reddit.com and board.sonicstadium.org I only visit about 6 or 7 sites regularly though.
  11. I don't know, I've never seen one and I'd be really scared if I did haha =).
  12. We have four cats. Lucy, Mouse, Hemmingway and M. Bob (proper name is Hawkeye) M. Bob- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qiVn-EFy-g
  13. Opera, but they went and screwed it up badly with the new version (they changed to Webkit and the new Opera version is more like an Alpha than anything). I'll be going back to Firefox I think.
  14. My name is Connor and I have no clue what it mean or where it came from so Wikipedia here I come! 0_o Okay then. I can't help but wonder where this stuff comes from.
  15. I'm not really sure what to make of the game considering how little the trailer or for that matter other videos show. On one hand I really do like the overall art style (especially that of Windy Hill from the IGN gameplay), but I still think it looks very strange to control. Then there's the Wisps, just why are they back? I didn't really like them in Sonic Colours and I can't wait to see how they'll try and fit them into the plot of this game (not to mention some of the new ones look ridiculous). This is very much going to be something I have to wait for reviews and videos on in the future because as of now I'm not really sold on the new game. Then again I'm still annoyed it's Nintendo only, but that's another matter on it's own that I shouldn't bring up.
  16. Haha, I'm still here. Very weird last month last month for me so I've not been anywhere as much as I was before plus it's summer so lots to do offline :)
    1. Показать предыдущий комментарий  ещё 6
    2. NeonTH


      Только вчера кто-то в статусе кинул ссылку на эту картинку.

    3. Klic The Echidna

      Klic The Echidna

      ИнглишЬ гибкий, доа)

      Фразу можно переводить по разному. Либо затеряйся\отвянь\иди нафиг, либо найди\получи потеряное...


      ...впрочем как и сам Lost World- либо потерянный мир, либо мир потерянного (собсна тут походу в обоих моих случаях имеется ввиду второе, ибо Сонег не так понял фразу и полетел искать потерянное :D)

    4. Ралзей


      Я, вообще-то, в курсе о SLW. (=

  17. С Днем Рождения. :) Hope you have an excellent day Speedy.
  18. Новое видео от Microsoft. URL: youtube.com/watch?v=L0HgsIf-ps4 Очень забавно, Youtube :D
  19. http://www.rippledotzero.com/ 0_o выглядит интересным
    1. ZardimTJ


      По-любому поиграю. Такие игры я не пропускаю.

    2. WLStorm


      Редко играю, но удивило.)

    3. crystallize


      Хорошие идеи сразу кажутся очевидными, как только увидишь их. :)

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