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Sega Brawlers Megamix

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If it's ok for me to post this here, this is a fan project I've been working on for a few years now. Like Smash Brothers, it's a fighting crossover game featuring many Sonic and Sega characters, many of them from the genesis games and a few other guests.(If the game looks slow, it's because I can never get a video recorder to capture videos at full speed)


Если это нормально для меня эту должность здесь, это является поклонником проекта я работаю на несколько лет теперь. Как Smash братья это файтинг кроссовер featuring много Sonic и Sega персонажей, многие из них от Бытие игр и несколько других гостей.(Если игра выглядит медленно, это потому, что я не могу получить видео рекордер для захвата видео на полной скорости)


The game is made with an engine called Open Beats of Rage(OpenBOR), an engine used to make beat'em up game like Sega's own Streets of Rage, and others like Double Dragon, Final Fight, etc. You can download the game from this link, and if you would like to see more OpenBOR games, check out ChronoCrash.com. You have to Sign up to download the games, but they're pretty good.:


Игра сделана с двигателем, называется Open бьет из Rage(OpenBOR), двигатель используется, чтобы beat'em up игры как Rage Sega на улицах и другие как Двойной дракон, Final Fight и т.д. Можно скачать игру с этой ссылке и если вы хотите видеть больше OpenBOR игр, проверить ChronoCrash.com.
Вам придется Зарегистрируйтесь для загрузки игры, но они очень хорошие.:


  • Лайк 4

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Кроссоверы? Хотя бы есть чем понастольгировать.

  • Лайк 2
  • Дизлайк 1

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MastahTron, hacks and fan-games in this thread, if that.




And on the topic: very cool, I liked it. ))

Изменено пользователем Кержеманкин Максим

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Looks damn good. There's so-o many characters and all of'em ported really good, I really love playin as Sketch Terner or maybe its all because im fan of Comix Zone 


Also, I love THIS part of your video. Its like Serious Sam 3 with 15 your friends - CHAOS EVERYWHERE AND A LOT OF FUN!!! :D

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I had a similar idea, but with Worms gameplay. Even an isometric fight of 2 characters is a bit hard to control, not to mention 16.


I guess it's better to ask moderator to move the topic.

Изменено пользователем crystallize

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  В 7/1/2013 в 18:27, Кержеманкин Максим сказал:

MastahTron, hacks and fan-games in this thread, if that.




And on the topic: very cool, I liked it. ))

Oh man, totally missed that. Better study this forum some more. :blush2:


  В 7/1/2013 в 18:42, BagMan сказал:

Looks damn good. There's so-o many characters and all of'em ported really good, I really love playin as Sketch Terner or maybe its all because im fan of Comix Zone 


Also, I love THIS part of your video. Its like Serious Sam 3 with 15 your friends - CHAOS EVERYWHERE AND A LOT OF FUN!!! :D

Oh man that video is so old, it was back when I had first started this game. The setup now is that I have each stage with a certain number of enemies. SOme stage can be up to 8 at a time, or 30 at once.




  В 7/1/2013 в 18:48, crystallize сказал:

I had a similar idea, but with Worms gameplay. Even an isometric fight of 2 characters is a bit hard to control, not to mention 16.


I guess it's better to ask moderator to move the topic.

Never seem too much of worms. It's some kind of RTS ain't it?

BTW, yeah, I'll find a mod so this can be fixed, I don't wanna post all this stuff in the wrong place.


Actually, I have no way of finding a mod, so if one of you guys are able to catch one, can you tell them about my topic? I don't have much time left before I go to work...

Изменено пользователем MastahTron

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Why you are made Silver, but didn't make Blaze (the Cat)?

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  В 7/1/2013 в 18:50, MastahTron сказал:
Never seem too much of worms. It's some kind of RTS ain't it?

You can say so, but I rather see it as a party game.

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Moved the thread.

On topic: Looks awesome!

  • Лайк 1
  • Дизлайк 1

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Why all people in this forum speak in english?I missed something? =D

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  В 7/2/2013 в 08:13, Taz сказал:

Why you are made Silver, but didn't make Blaze (the Cat)?

I didn't know of a good sprite sheet for her at the time, but there are many characters that need to be in this game. At the moment, I'm working on a character from Guardian Heroes and a few others.


  В 7/2/2013 в 12:21, crystallize сказал:

You can say so, but I rather see it as a party game.

I see. I could throw them in another game I'm planing to make. Much like this but it's gonna be Sega vs. Nintendo.


  В 7/2/2013 в 13:45, Rush сказал:

Moved the thread.

On topic: Looks awesome!

Thanks and Thanks! ch8D


  В 7/3/2013 в 07:48, Venil сказал:

Why all people in this forum speak in english?I missed something? =D

I know how you feel, I didn't know so many people here would be fluent in english. lol :D

Real quick, I got a PM on another forum that people may think I'm plagiarising here with my claims on making Sega Brawlers, but to be clear, I am the same guy, I'm just using a different on this forum because it's based in another country(this is actually my username for League of Legends), but hopefully this doesn't cause too much confusion though, and I already replied to the user who sent me the PM that I am the same guy.


Реальные быстро, я получил вечера на другом форуме, что люди могут думать, я с plagiarising здесь, с моим претензий на делать Sega дебоширов, но чтобы быть ясно, я тот же парень, я просто используя другой на этом форуме потому что он основан в другой стране (это на самом деле мое имя пользователя для Лига легенд), но надеюсь это не вызывает слишком много путаницы хотя, и я уже ответил на пользователя, который послал мне вечера, что я тот же парень.

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