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Sonic 3 & knuckles Pro Survivor 5.0

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Nice work, keep it up! Thanks that you didn't change the music.

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Hello everyone. Finally I can post the new version of my S3K hack. This is a demo (5.0) version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Pro Survivor from SHC2014, with improvements on it. On this time I've  working a lot on my hack, improving that, following feedback, trying fix the max of bugs possibles.


Current changes from old version to for the new version is:

  • Layout improved.
  • Level design improved with somes bugs fix.
  • Palettes fixed and improved.
In this version there will be 3 levels available to play: Angel Island (both acts), Hydrocity (Act 1) and Ice Cap (Act 1).


Okay, here's some pictures (all from the contest):



Sonic Hacking Contest 2014 Demo Release


Somes notes:

1. Score counter is stuck at 0 when playing as Tails or Knuckles but is still adding up.

2. On Ice Cap If you lose a life and you return to the first checkpoint, it is an Insta-Kill trap since there was an Ice object that was placed at the checkpoint.

3. After the first loop in Angel Island Act 1, don’t roll too fast. Or you’ll lose all your speed. Rough edge that needs smoothing out.

4. No Act Clear Bonus for Hydrocity Act 1 and Ice Cap Act 1.

5. The musics ports have been removed because I had a lot of problems so I decided just use original one.



Eectroball: For helping me with somes things and for porting the ROM to a disassembly. I'm really grateful.

SonicVaan: For betatesting this hack, fixing glitches and bugs in the game and also removing unneccessary data for this demo.

Varion Icaria: For collaborating to help with the files, pointing out errors and giving some solutions for fixes.

DiscoTheBat: An amazing person who supported the project from the early beginning. Big thanks!

Editchris: For the beta test and for the great support. Special thanks to him.

Bakayote: For making a really cool banner for the title screen. Special thanks to him.

Hcktrox: He's given me great suggestions about palettes and betatested the game a bit. I'm so grateful with him help!

Shockwave: By supporting the hack with your great reviews and suggestions, betatesting and much more. I'm very grateful... ;)

TheBlad768: The great person who helped me in almost everything in the beginning of my hack, helping with some codes, asm, fixing various bugs, etc. I am extremely grateful! :D

JoenickROS: The guy who's has helped me too, with beta testing, reporting me a lot of things: glitches, bugs, on what I should do and what I shouldn't and also giving some tips and good ideas. Thanks a lot to him!


Overall, I also have to thank the members of SSRG and SGD, thanks for your advice, suggestions, criticisms and comments. I am eternally grateful.


Well, that's all, have a good game.



Wow! It's so cool!

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Triple post.

Here, a little update on my AIZ1 layout:


AIZ1 is ass for make chunks fits. :P

It is a good job :-). What palette will be in the next version?

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Well, I think it's a time to a new (Second Demo) release!

For who still remember about the last contest: In the last year, I wasn't very happy with the state of the hack, so this one I decided to give it a better effort and polish everything with my best effort (with new content, of course)!
Unfortunately, it's still just a demo and not a full version. So the 5 only levels available are:
Angel Island Zone, Hydrocity Zone Act 1, Ice Cap Zone, Flying Battery Zone and Sandopolis Zone Act 1 (unfortunately too, AIZ and ICZ2 isn't ready yet for Knuckles, so I hope you understand).

Also, it has a new Main Menu and a New Time Attack mode (up to you unlock), and in the future will have more features.

I am really happy to release this second demo release.. I hope y'all enjoy this hack; I have really working hard on this one.

Some Images


Media / Preview


Here's the SHC entry: http://shc.sonicresearch.org/entry/68


Hack Author, Layout and Level Design:
  • NeoFusionBox


  • Bakayote
  • AsuharaMoon


  • Electroball
  • TheBlad768
  • Jdpense
  • NeoFusionBox

Music (SMPS Ports):

  • NeoFusionBox
  • S_T_D
  • Cinossu
  • Crash
  • Ivan Yo
  • TheBlad768
  • Eduardo Knuckles - MIDIs porting

Beta Testers:

  • SonicVaan
  • TheBlad768
  • Electroball
  • Shockwave
  • Bakayote
  • KingoFHarts
  • JoenickROS
  • EditChris
  • Hcktrox
  • Eduardo Knuckles
  • Painto Maniak

Test on Real Hardware:

  • Ralakimus
  • Bakayote

Special Stage Layout:

  • Painto maniak

Other Credits:
Flamewing - Flamewing Sounddrive / Error Code Generator
Stealth - SonED2 / Sonic 3 & Knuckles Disassembly
MainMemory - SonLVL
ValleyBell - SMPS2ASM / MID2SMPS / SMPS Research Pack
And for who all did others programs for hacking...

Special Thanks:

  • TheBlad768
  • Electroball - Porting original ROM into Disassembly
  • Shockwave
  • Bakayote
  • SonicVaan
  • DiscoTheBat

Thanks for all support and the big help with fixes or something else for the hack!

Some Notes

Sting Chameleon SMPS isn't looped yet in this build and there was supposed to demo finish in Sandopolis Zone, but there has a mistake, and it finish in Flying Battery though, you still can play this in Time Attack mode. I'm sorry about that. Also, this build still have some bugs that I didn't had time to notice and fix in the time, so, I may already knew about some bug reported here (but you still can report it in thread). I would release some revision soon.

I hope you have fun with this hack and remember, critiques, feedback and reports are always welcome. Have a good game!

  • Лайк 2

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