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28 минут SG я офигел откуда у них игра????
Невероятно круто, невероятно красиво, и на 1:28 опять платформы поставили, вместо той палки-пружинки, мб все таки будут пропасти я надеюсь на это.
Нравится мне этот белый тип) да и Роботник в пчелином костюме тоже XD
Еще 3D :) если не знаете кто на картинке, то вот:
DR. Robotnik by me :)
безумно порадовало, игра будет невероятно крута. The story begins with Sonic celebrates its twentieth birthday with Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow and other friends when they are absorbed by a dark and strange monster character is isolated on a white wasteland with three mysterious doors to worlds too blurry and whitish. Overcoming the early stages of Green Hill Zone, we see that these doors are filled with color and old worlds are portals known for Sonic, rescuing classic Sonic also very young, without voice and not knowing Amy and ShadowПрям "вау"
А вот и Avatar awards надеюсь HARD MODE не только на боссов распространяется. Костюмчик так себе.
Список ачивментов
ТА-ДА! круто-крутенько
О боже, да какая разница, JUST PLAY THE FREAKING GAME! (когда выйдет естественно) t:]
ЛОЛ...только узнали что ли? Вся концепция Colors -копипаста с Galaxy, и несмотря на это вышло в 100500 раз лучше.
- 590 ответов
- sonic colors
- sonic colors ultimate
- (и ещё 2)
Вот у меня вопрос тогда: А ЧТО ВЫ "Не америкосы" сделали для того, чтобы SEGA угодила ВАМ, великие русские фаны знающие, что нужно франчайзу????? ВЫ хнычите на этом форуме когда надо ныть ЗДЕСЬ. НИЧЕРТА НЕ ДЕЛАЕТЕ И ЧТО-ТО ХОТИТЕ. (troll) вы уже так надоели..... из-за вас просто темы мерзко читать становится. (адресовано ко всем нелюбителям настоящего положения дел, не конкретно к вам, Elaine)
- 590 ответов
- sonic colors
- sonic colors ultimate
- (и ещё 2)
Превью с PAX самое главное, наверное, что будет реализована возможность выбора спиндаша, либо как в самом CD, либо как в Sonic 2,3 & knuckles там же есть картинка с пруфом. ***если про спиндаш было известно, извините, тему пролистал, не нашел похожего.....
- 1 056 ответов
- sega megadrive
- sonic the hedgehog cd
- (и ещё 4)
Очередной хак демки УГАДАЙТЕ, КТО НА 17:25 =)
Упс, извиняюсь XD Меня в принципе тоже все устраивает
Вы еще не забыли того чувака который якобы "проспойлерил" сюжетку манги по SG?? =) Так вот он и СКАНЫ выложил еще. у кого-то разрыв сердца будет, я гарантирую))) извините... омега, биг, фрогги и классик соник тоже на днюхе лола шедоу и сильвер пошли на озеро рыбу ловить (шутка)
Бедная демка))) как над ней только не изголяются))))
1) Кто отменял перемещения во времени? 2) пруф? 3) о5 же пруф, ты видел ВЕСЬ сюжет? Дай ка мне свою копию игры 4) Ничего плохого здесь нет 5) НЕ сега, а сониктим емае ну хватит, а? ВЫ ИГРУ НЕ ВИДЕЛИ ЕЩЕ И РАЗВОНЯЛИСЬ!!! надоели
ну хз ваще кул картинка
Серьезно, если это вдруг каким то образом будет и в игре, то история получится весьма интересной имхо
Слухо-спойлер так сказать, взято из манги, но думаю все равно интересно почитать) честно говоря то что я прочел меня порадовало и я уже представляю как именно все будет обьяснено, все вполне логично New Plot info? + Time Eater RumorOkay, I'm just gonna copy pasta atm. Originally Posted by Dusk Golem@SSMB Rumor time~ According to a Japanese friend, the manga of Sonic Generations says that Sonic Generations takes place 5 years after the end of Sonic Colors, and these last few years have been peaceful. Sonic is celebrating his 20th birthday with Tails and Amy when chaos begins to ensue the world and he finds himself in the past with himself. However, this is not the most interesting bit, but something strongly hinted at he and I were talking about. Okay, you know at the end of Sonic Colors, when Eggman gets sucked up into the giant exploding amusement park and then we see him drifting through space later saying he already has his revenge planned out? APPARENTLY Eggman hasn't been seen since then. It also seems hinted that somethings changed in the past, something is causing things to go wrong with the timeline, as well as everything being eaten and turned into nothing. This is just a theory piecing everything together, but it's plausible that the Time Eater is a creation of Eggman's but before he had a chance to put it to use, it erased Eggman from the timeline OR Eggman somehow became one with the Time Eater. This sounds crazy, I know, but something that seemed weird in the manga was that the Time Eater seemed to be targeting Sonic, and though only a brief glimpse is caught of it, Sonic seems startled to see it, to the point he does the Japanese equivilent of, "It's..." So crazy jackpot theory time, somehow in someway Eggman is the Time Eater, but not exactly. My current theory rests that the Time Eater removed Eggman from the timeline or their somehow interchangeble, which might also explain why Eggman isn't in any sort of new form himself. All the other main Sonic characters have been tossed around the time tables, except for those who are directly influenced or sided with Eggman. So completely rumor and theory, and I want some people to pick up the manga and confirm as I haven't seen it, only told bits and pieces and his English isn't the best, but currently placing my bets on it being a creation of Eggman and possibly even part of it IS Eggman. The things seems to eat Time, and my guess is that it gains influence over what it eats and if the only thing it's eaten up until this point is Eggman... To those who I'm sure will wonder how legit this guy is, he's the one who posted the first Colors cutscenes, so obviously he's a Sonic fan. And he knew about Resident Evil 6 before most people on the nets, so you know he's just telling the truth about what he's been told. The rest that isn't plot info is just him theorizing, so you can make your own based on this info. Something to note though, the manga adaptions tend to be different from the actual game, but some events do stay true to source material. This is strictly a rumor, so take with a gigantic handful of salt. Aaaaand disscuss. EDIT: And now for the short version: Originally Posted by Dusk Golem@SSMB A lot of it is theory. I'll lay out everything so it's easier to judge for yourselves: KNOWN FACTS FROM SEGA & LEAKS: -The villains name is Time Eater -The world seems to be going to all white and disappearing -Sonic falls into a time hole and meets with his younger self -Sonic also meets with older versions of other friends and his friends seem to be in other time eras as well However, Classic Eggman, Modern Eggman, Chaos, Shadow, Metal Sonic, and Silver all seem to be at points where Sonic was fighting them, and they all were influenced or brought to that point thanks to Eggman's influence FACTS THAT WERE BROUGHT BY RECENT PREVIEWS AND FROM THE MANGA: -The characters are having a picnic to celebrate Sonic's birthday (apparently a 20th candle is on top) -Apparently things have been peaceful recently with no signs of Eggman for a long while (Colors is referenced) -Time Holes open up and seem to suck Sonic and his friends up, along with other people in Sonic's life -While hurtling through time, Sonic catches a glimpse of something (believed to be the Time Eater) and says, "It's..." -Sonic meets his younger self -Things seem to be different in the past, like someone's been messing with it THINGS TO SPECULATE -Why hasn't Eggman been seen since Colors? Especially for so long? -Who did Sonic see in the warp between times? -How come everyone seems to be tossed around except for Eggman and characters who were directly influenced by Eggman and battled Sonic at some point? Everyone else seems to be their current or past selves, except for those he battled? -What is the Time Eater? -Why did the Time Eater come now? -Why does the Time Eater seem to specifically be targeting Sonic? THINGS SPECULATED: -Eggman and Time Eater likely have some connection -The person Sonic saw in the space between times was likely Eggman, or Time Eater but with a recognizable hint of Eggman. -Who else would specifically be targeting Sonic? Eggman or something he created. -How do you make a new villain that also has significance for a 20th anniversary? By making the new villain also an old villain, just like the rest of the game, old meets new. думаю сами переведете, не маленькие.
Решил на досуге побаловаться в 3ds max Соник раз Соник два И мой персонаж Jack
Вот мое: Sonic the hedgohog: босс в лабиринт зоне. Sonic the hedgehog 2: кемикал плент. К Sonic the hedgehog 3: и Sonic & Knuckles: претензий вообще нет Sonic CD: дизайн уровней Sonic 3D BLAST где мой супер соник!!!!!!??????? :) Sonic adventure: рыбалка бига, эми надо все время убегать от зеро, у гаммы лимит времени, тейлз бегает наперегонки с соником, покатушки на картах и досках. Sonic adventure 2: дизайн, дизайн всего, уровней, персонажей, людей, ИМХО, но игра просто уродливая, отвратительная английская озвучка, вместо 6 вариаций геймплея всего 3: соник= шедоу, наклз=руж, роботник=тейлз, тейлз с геймплеем от гаммы :), НЕТ адвенчур филдов, единственный плюс - шикарная история. Sonic heroes: одинаковый геймплей за все команды. Sonic the hedgehog 2006: я просто ненавижу части этапа когда соник ускоряется, единственная игра из всех соников которую я просто бросал играть несколько раз, первый раз на вэйв оушн, потом в кризис сити, потом в радикал трэйн 0_o, босс-читер Сильвер. Sonic Unleashed: необходимость собирать медали для доступа к уровням. Sonic Colors: повторяющиеся боссы, короткие уровни, шутки, виспы. Sonic the hedgehog 4: ФИЗИКА, дизайн, музыка - все плохо ИМХО.
Превью от Allaboutgames.co.uk (хз кто это вообще) Во 2 абзаце спойлер!!!!!! относительно начала игры, хилый и предсказуемый, и не факт что правдивый, хотя вроде и очевидный. cool story гарантировано) верить или нет хз. Ссылка с сеговского форума
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