Фанарт - the 7 deadly sins 5th anger

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the 7 deadly sins 5th anger

by lizsama

kirby_sucks_by_streaks_the_hedgehog.png mecha_sonic_vs_team_sonic_by_lizsama.jpg the_7_deadly_sins_5th_anger.jpg the_7_deadly_sins_7th_sloth.jpg the_7_sins_3rd_gluttony.jpg
Димон   [Сент 27, 2008 в 11:05]
Прифет красавчег.
Fmert' TW   [Сент 27, 2008 в 14:00]
Ничего не могу разобрать...
Монти   [Сент 27, 2008 в 16:11]
Какие клыки....по-моему он кого-то разодрал...
Monika   [Сент 27, 2008 в 16:46]
Мда уж..Разобрать и вправда трулновато))
Лимира   [Сент 27, 2008 в 20:10]
Красавчик. Rolling Eyes
tok the dragon   [Сент 28, 2008 в 12:45]
коса как-то и разобрать трудно. Neutral
Onio   [Сент 29, 2008 в 00:04]
Ем-м... Ето кто?
Dark Shadow   [Сент 29, 2008 в 00:24]
Вот это действительно здорово)
b_RAIN   [Сент 29, 2008 в 19:17]
Shocked Ничёсе называется порвал...
Бионайт   [Сент 30, 2008 в 20:12]
Мне мой незавершенный рис с НММУ вспомнился. Мне садисту эта пикча по вкусу Laughing
Lotus   [Окт 03, 2008 в 23:49]
Ня! Жесть!!! Пика рул!
Echidna.95   [Окт 17, 2008 в 17:53]
А кого съели? Шэда что ли?
SiD   [Окт 23, 2008 в 23:04]
мда) это что то из творчества Френка Садела Laughing (City of Rott) Cool
...Ами Роуз...   [Окт 24, 2008 в 20:48]
Ох мама! О_О Страшно, но красиво! Супер!
Ragnarok   [Янв 11, 2009 в 22:09]
о хоспади... это либо панда либо макак...
NIGHTCRAWL   [Март 18, 2009 в 09:19]
Покусал..близнулся..а жрать не стал....Круть!!!
Ray   [Март 20, 2009 в 23:04]
...просто интересно..когда вы все это смотрите вы хоть втыкаете в суть названия и в то, что пытался передать автор?
seraza   [Дек 23, 2024 в 04:48]
The original accompnaying text to this art:

”The Seven Deadly Sins – 5th Sin: Anger”

It had taken him a long time to find the information he needed. It had taken painfully long hours to hunt them down. It was almost impossible to keep undetected from the Fox he had trained so well, so long ago.
“Milesss..” he barely whispered, the boy was so close to him, mere feet below the tree that he hid so well in. Yes, he found that even stealth had its uses when it came to the games they played. The kit was unable to detect him, scent, sound or movement. Any moment now, he would pounce and overpower the boy. Then he would finally have his greatest treasure. Oh, the fun they’d have together, the fun HE would have teaching Miles his new way of life. Yess, such wondrous times were ahead.

Snap, SNAP.

The Fox whirled around in time to deflect an arrow with his gauntlet. He glared towards the darkness as a familiar shape stepped out.

“Not bloody bad… for an amateur.”
That voice! Sonic thought, his body shook slightly.
“Geoffrey.” Growled Miles, drawing his sword out. “Why?!”
“Just testin’ you, seein’ if you really did have anythin’ to contribute to this bloody war.” Geoffrey scoffed, sizing the kid up before continuing “You got trained boy, by the hedgehog, and if you ask me, yer as bloody well prepared for this war as he was the other one.”

Heat, it was getting hot. Sonic strained to control his anger. Not the time, not the time…

“Sonic trained me well, He was a better Freedom Fighter than YOU ever were!”
“Never was one mate, I don’t join sissy groups. Granted the Princess was in control, she bloody well had too little ‘raw’ material to work with. Buncha losers you blokes were. Especially that Hedgehog.”
“Shut up!” he fox screamed. “Don’t you DARE talk about Sonic that way! Don’t you DARE insult my friends!!”
“Best be calmin’ yerself there freak,” Laughed Geoffrey. “Less you want the whole bloody forest to hear ya.” The fox fumed, and the Dark One could feel the growing power within the kit. It made him tremble with pride…
“I just came to give ya a bit o’warnin’ there “Tails” … Don’t bother ta try and save the Princess, because you’re simply not capable enough ta do it. Takes a REAL MAN to get through his defenses. Ain’t no game for a sissy boy like yerself. But don’t you fret none,” he assured the boy who was now utterly trembling with hatred. “I’ll have her back safe n’sound with a real group of fighters soon enough.”
“You’re not touching her…” Miles whispered. “I know you… And Sonic knew you too…”
The way you say my name Miles. I can still feel the loyalty, the dedication. The hedgehog slowly sucked air through his teeth. the LOVE…
“I know what you tried to do, I SAW YOU, I saw you touching Sally, I saw you trying to force yourself on her. I saw how you kissed her in front of Sonic.”
The hedgehog gripped tightly along a tree branch. Memories began to flood him, ones that hurt him more than he could imagine. His claws sunk into the tree. Control…CONTROL… Don’t let them…find out.
“Hey, alls fair n’love n’war fox. You should know that yerself. You’re probably goin’ after her for the same reasons I am.”
“I want to SAVE HER.” Tails howled.
“You want to fuck her.”
“You son of a bitch. Sonic SHOULD have killed you.”
“The hedgehog is a weakling little monster. He scares children and the superstitious. And I’ll be provin’ that to everyone tonight when I save her.”
“Over my dead body.”
“Suit yerself Fox.”

Geoffrey lunged at Miles before the kit could draw his sword and took him by the neck. With a swing he sent the boy flying, striking the very tree the Dark One was in. Geoffrey grinned, pulling out a poisoned arrow and loading it into his bow on his glove. “You see boy, This ain’t no game. This is a mans war, and men gotta protect what’s rightfully theirs.” He shot the kit, catching him in the shoulder, the fox howled in pain. “Don’t need you anymore, so you can just sit here and die.” Geoffrey turned away. “Don’t worry though, Sally’s gonna be real nice n’safe. I’ll make sure you get remembered at least as the boy who tried.” The skunk walked away, leaving the kit to die.

The Dark One sighed, his muscles were tensed and the hand that held the tree had sunk so deeply that splinters sunk deep into his palm. The kit squirmed, his body weakening from the poison running its course. Miles struggled to keep his eyes open but it didn’t take long… his last conscious thought was how he failed.
When the kit was unconscious the hedgehog hopped down quietly and knelt to the boy. “Miles…” he whispered, gazing down at the arrow. “What a cheap shot. Always was a coward.” He took careful hold of the
chip   [Дек 23, 2024 в 22:02]
seraza, even if you want to help, such messages look like spam and can be deleted.
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